anyone else this stupid?

your weighed dowen with bags, thinking about a hundred things, the childs chattering... so you open your front door but don't automaticalie pulle your keys out.
Drop the bags in the kitchen go back to door and slame it shut, leaving keys to door in front door!!

i have done it before and they always been their, luckie i gess as i have no front garden and my door in on the street.

last night i wase't so luckie and within the hour i went to retrive them from my front door and they were gone, the window cleaner came to be paid and thats when i noticed they wer't their after dealing with him, suspect i gess he is.

anyway iv my yale lock changed already first thing this morning after droping L at school, my deadlock still needs changing and i away to london on monday so its to be done by then (big kicks can smash yale lock off)
other keys are L wardrobe keys, a little metal monie box keys, my bank safe box (the bank know me personalie and very well, frends with manager and ya need a letter to get my deposite box)

I am sure the little keys look intresting but usless or for worthless things.

anyway my bedroom weer i took my trousers of is much cleaner now, as is my kitched as i cleaned while i was looking.

the cost annoying, as is the inconvinense..

any of you ever done something this stupid or am i the only one ever to do this?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn