I recently read about an artists work that involved her giving cameras to poor women with children that have a hard time feeding their children and asking them to record what it is like "being poor."

I was stunned with the outcome. Some of the women starve and feed their children. Some of them feed their children in unimaginable ways and a lot of them can only afford 1 dollar burgers and junk food such as that.

What do you think? There are starving children in this country and they are not included in the charities that we give money to feed starving people or children.

Why do we not feed our own starving people?

How might we help to feed a family of children whose mother lost her job? Unemployment is not a lot of money and it will only cover rent, if that... Food stamps are not enough money and if you have unemployment often you make too much to qualify for food stamps.

Kitchens are good but one meal a day or a week will not make for good health, we need a plan.

Why do the starving in America go without notice do you feel? What happens overseas with starving people, does anyone know?

What if any plans does Obama have?


"Question your privilege"