According to the world today, with all the vast intelligence, the vast technologies, the vast knowledge, the vast communications ... you would actually think this world ought to be a 'better' place to live in.

With all the preachers, teachers, seminars, universities, programs ... all so accessible to everyone ... you would actually think this world would be a 'better' place to live in.

It seems to me at times in my ponderings and soulful wanderings, that the 'human' animal is still just as unequipped as when he/she first began.

I know, I know ... there are many wonderful gracious loving and
caring people out there - doing everything they possibly can to
uplift the human spirit & live on with some decency to be a plus sign in today's world. But, and that is a big hesitation there ... how come it doesn't really make a dent in the whole scenario of world events?

Or is it that we all come from a very limited perspective and cannot see the 'big picture' ... till it is over? A lot of questions and I know it covers more than can be solved. But I was just wondering.

A fellow traveller along the way.