This is something I came across in the Whole Living: Body and Soul magazine It is written by Terri Trespicio.

Don't rush. Savor this ripest, sweetest season.

Discover peace by observing the world around you. Take time to drink it all in.

Learn from your setbacks and they will open the door to new opportunities.

Be earth friendly by traveling lightly when you travel.

Surprise yourself. Engage in spontaneous act.

If you listen to your body, you'll feed it well and take the guilt our of eating.

When you push the voundaries of your strength, you tap into the body's ture power.

The most memorable moments in life are often unplanned.

Eat close to the source. The healthiest food doesn't come in a wrapper.

To-do lists have their uses, but don't let them eclipse the serendipity in your life.

By Terri Trespicio

Do any of these speak to you?

The last one about to-do lists spoke to me. I need to lighten up and try living without one every now and then, but I feel as though there is always something to do for others, home and/or work. I might try doing without a list this weekend, but with that thought, I'm already compiling one in my head.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.