Hello Friends and Seekers!

Well, it’s been a long time coming but the day is finally here. It is with great joy and completion that I announce the release of my first book:
The Self-Full Life…A True Story That Will Help Your Soul Remember
By Peg Abernathy

Yippee!!!!! I did it!!!

I took that great leap of faith and left my job and healthcare benefits to realize this dream. I have self-published with iUniverse. I am so pleased with outcome and it is my hope that you will enjoy this true story of life, death and re-birth.

I want to thank all of you for your support, encouragement and love during this wonderful journey. And for those of you all over the country that I have never met but have requested Spiritual readings from The Guides, you will now get to read how this beautiful miracle unfolded.

This is going to take a grass roots effort to move this little book into the mainstream, but I know that with the support of my fellow authors, I can and will do it.

It is my hope that you will go to my site: www.self-full-life.com and find out how to include my book in your collection. There, you can choose to purchase the book from:


Thank you, thank you. thank you.
Blessings to all, love, Peg