Got a minute? Well actually about 8 minutes is all it will take for you to participate in the Smart Women's Mind and Body Survey 2008. I know you are busy and have plenty of things vying for these 8 minutes but I'm asking you to give them to me for good reason.

The reason? I've got a powerful lot of health and wellness information waiting to be served up and in order to know what "flavor profile" you like and how you want to consume it I've got to get to know you a bit. I'm interested to know what you think regarding health, eating, your body, and condiments.

Condiments? Yes, this is not your average boring survey that asks questions like, "Are you a healthy eater?" or "How many times per week do you floss?" No...I want the skinny, (or the not so), the 411, the scoop on the things you do and don't do for your midlife self.

And guess what? I've got a brand new report that I'm going to send you to thank you for your time. It's a resource guide I think you'll use again and again when you want answers to questions about health, wellness, nutrition, supplements and being a midlife woman. It's called "The 15 Best Nutrition, Wellness, and Health Websites for Smart Women." As soon as you complete the survey a link to download this brand new report will show up on the Thank You page. Please make sure you download at that time or write down the link. Once you close that page you will not be able to get back to it.

Click on the following link to start the survey now:
The results of the survey are for my eyes only and no information that I share will be attributed to anyone by name. You can answer freely and you can do it in your pajamas. The link below will be available 24-7 from today until Monday March 31st at midnight. Thank you in advance for considering this and for your time. If you know anyone who fits the criteria--smart woman between the ages of 40 - 65--please feel free to pass this email along to them.