Has anyone had tyroid surgery? I did this July 6th,2004 . I went in the hospital for one night. I had a fuild cyst Goiter about 3 1/2 cm. big thing. They had drained the cyst twice and just keep coming back up . I had the cyst for three years. I went to the tyroid doctor and he told me it was time to get it removed . I did well after surgery . Oh , I had taken tyroid medication and it would not swrink the cyst it just keep growing. They get os big they cut off you breath and it just about did . I sitll sleep with two pillows still afraid of choking at night.

I had called American Tyroid Foundation in Boston Mass long before I new I was going to have surgery .

My point is not not enough is said or known about tyroid conditions in women of medapause age like us. My mother had the same thing in the "50" and found out that my cyst was genic .

I watch some talk show and nothing has mention . If only we could get the word out. I surveyed the surgery , but if you don't get the right doctors there are risk. I had a very good surgeon. and very thankful for that.

Has anyone had a similar operation ?
