A great page that compares with photos what different families in sample countries typically buy and amount of money on groceries for 1 wk.

Look at comparison amongst a family in Chad, Africa, Bhutan, Mexico… course, you have to count the number of mouths to feed..

I love comparative stuff like this.

Also a good thing to show children and teens of what they would eat vs. others world-wide on a regular basis.

What do you spend weekly on groceries? Problem with us is that we do have a small restaurant dinner on Friday evenings…and then some other evenings we might drop by for a snack on way home on bikes.

But every week, we set aside $60.00 weekly for groceries for 2 of us. It only works, when we stock up on 1 or 2 food items in bulk so that we have our pantry with extra non-perishable food, etc.

Fine by us.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)