Thank you so much for your support and kind words, everyone.

To answer your question Dotsie, no, their father does not yet know that we know, and I am hoping to keep that under wraps for the time being. I am afraid that once he finds out he will strike back by digging his heals in during mediation and try to retalliate financially for his humiliation and fall from grace, which I am sure he will try to pin on me. The kids are in counseling and hopefully will feel open enough to vent with their therapist. I know that they want to talk to their close friends about this, as embarassing as it may be for them. They are trying to figure out if they want to continue to live with their dad at all - we have fifty-fifty parenting time right now. My oldest is so angry that he is refusing to talk to his dad. Simultaneously, he is afraid that if he disconnects from him, his dad will do something irrational, like try to commit suicide. I am more afraid that his dad is more likely to lose control temporarily and hurt the kids out of frustration from having been found out. [Frown]
