Thank you Dotsie for that quote. You know what the Lord's been putting in my heart to pray for every morning? For the gift of laughter in my day. I always pray for the stamina to get through each day, hope so I can better companion my brother through his journey, and then for God to bless me (and all my loved ones, including my BWS sisters) according to His will for me for that day. Lately, I've been asking for laughter too...that I would find laughter throughout the day. I dare to say that not only have I been finding more laughter lately, but my brother's sense of humour is also coming alive again, much to my delight (he's always had a wonderful sense of humour, and it's an indescribable delight to watch it unfolding again).

Laughter does tend to keep one in the moment, doesn't it! And makes all the worries and cares of tomorrow blur into the background, if only for a few sweet moments.

Someone else who knows how to laugh and makes me laugh is our granddaughter. What utter delight to watch HER sense of humour blossoming before my eyes as well!!! There's no doubt in my mind that God Himself has a wonderful sense of humour too...when I have the nerve to dare to believe it and the ears to find it in the midst of my own mind's nattering and worrying, His laughter and humour come into my soul like a refreshing babbling's a good ask for laughter in my day...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)