Originally posted by foundhervoice-atlast:
My "pitbull" attorney told me just this week that I can expect to be shafted even if I do get a settlement because the law is still very lopsided when it comes to women's rights, and I will never get what I truly deserve to pull out of the marriage after so many years of sacrifice and loyalty.

Just an observation from the ex-wife of an attorney. Notice how often attorneys paint a rosy picture 'before' they get the case then change to a very gloomy picture just before going to court.

That way if they lose, it's because the court is skewed against you, but if they win, they are heroes for overcoming the skewed court.

Doctors do it too. In an elective surgery, the possible complications are glossed over and it is made to appear that every surgery is an absolute success. Then after you have been prepped and are in the holding room, the recovery rates suddenly decline. Your family may be warned that the outcome could be disastrous.

If a surgery is an emergency or non-elective (ruptured appendix, cancer, etc.), the chances of recovery and even survival are portrayed as very bad. That way if you survive at all, regardless of how the doctor may have flubbed up the surgery, he is a hero.

You could probably find the judges case record somewhere. Possibly online, but it might not matter. My only advice would be not to let any attorney intimidate you into settling for less than you deserve, but never trust a court to be fair either. It's all about who wins and who loses.


[ January 25, 2006, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]