Cynthy, that has to be one of the most difficult hurdles to get over, going through a beloved's things. When my Dad and Mom died, it was too agonizing for many, many months. I finally had to go through several boxes of photos in order to divvy them up amongst my brothers and nieces. Oh, it was unbelievably painful. There were photos in those boxes of Mom that I had never seen before, pictures of her as a young girl - her life was unfolding before my eyes and it was then that I realized how little I knew, and how many questions I could have asked her about who she was in these pictures.

I remember that agony as if it was yesterday. The tears and the sharp piercing of my heart. I could only do a little bit at a time, then leave it for awhile, and come back to it. Slowly but surely it became easier, perhaps because I knew exactly how agonizing it was going to be and so would wait until I felt up to handling a little bit more.

Our prayers and compassion and thoughts are with you tonight and through the coming weeks...come here often, Cynthy, we'll help you through as best as we can...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)