Oh this is is an interesting post. I missed this somehow..

Those architects should give me a call, I'll tell them what we boomers want!

Large whirlpool with a view over the oceon, lake mountains or city…take your pick.

The dining room table must have a mechanism that allows the table to sink into the floor, Dirty dishes and all, and at the touch of another button rises in the décor you have chosen…Of course another button will give you the choice of having the table set up for one to 12 guests.

An automatic vacuum clean system…integrated in the floor…of course it purs as soft as a kitten and cleans like 10 cleaning ladies.

I think this will be the house of buttons: Button for pure stereo sound, button for your big screen Plasma TV, and an arcade of all the movies including the old ones that we boomers like.

A loudspeaker system so we can telephone wherever we are

By our luxury bed with heavenly mattresses for our Boomer backs is a massage table. On this we will lay, and underneath is a button to push when we need to call Mr. Gorgeous with his six pack stomach to give us our dream massage. When we have had enough…we push another button.

sigh… …Any other ideas?