I want to tell you that I had no idea the joy this Christmas Card Exchange would play in my holiday happiness. I mean it. It's been said before, and more eloquently than I could ever say, but there was a spring in my step as I would rush to the mailbox every day, anticipating the cards and notes. Everyone was so gracious with their notes of friendship and love. This has been my first year to participate and I will tell you this, unless I'm 6' under next year, I'll be first on the sign up list. WHAT FUN! WHAT LOVE! AND from around the world!!!! Does it get any better than this? Okay, maybe Elvis making his comeback, but aside from that, I ask ya?

Sandpiper was my secret santa and she read my mind....I received a Barnes and Noble gift card. Can I say BLESS YOU! Do you feel the thanks reaching out and hugging you? OMG...give me books...lots and lots of books. I live off books. You have made my day you sweet, thoughtful person! I also thank you for the kind note you enclosed. You've touched my heart during this season. I thank you. Did I mention I was happy about the gift card? LOL!

Lordy I love this board....