Thanks all. Yes I am in the house. I have tried (since last Nov.) to be open and honest with mortgage co. I have asked for extensions, restructuring of loan, etc. They refuse to work with me. NEVER use Option One for a mortgage! They are horrid people.

The mortage is higher than rents in the area, so renting house out wouldn't pay the full mortgage amount.

I wanted to take in a renter but he refused to allow that. I am not kidding when I say that every avenue has been cut off for me. I can't wait to get with attorney today to see what he says....pray for me please.

PS Found out last night he goes for a hearing today in which the evidence against him will be read into record. I hope it shakes him to his core and real godly change begins in him.

No matter how angry I am I have to remember that this isn't who I married, sin in his life has taken over and unless God gets a hold of him and true change comes, eternity won't be a pleasant place. I have to keep reminding myself that with God there is always a bigger picture and like the Shunnamite woman JUST HANG ON!