I meet with attorney again on Thursday. I am going to refuse to give in on house. I am refusing to give him a key. If he feels that it needs to be open to others types of sales then he will have to refinance house and get me off the mortgage--I won't be left holding the bag when he goes off to jail.

Yes he has been arrested, released on own recognances. I thought once he realized the crimes stuff was real he would be so focused on that that we could settle the divorce thing quickly and easily. Evidently he feels he can fight two battlefronts at the same time.

I'm so tired...My mother died last year a month after I found all this out. She had lung cancer and it was a long painful battle. I haven't really even able to mourn her passing yet, because I am constantly being bombarded by this.

My pastor told my Sunday that he had gotten a letter from him, asking pastor to sit me down and talk to me about how much in sin I am for divorcing him. Pastor told me, not to worry, he recognized a 'master manipulator' was at work.

I hate living in limbo. I'd like to put up a Christmas tree and try to have a good Christmas, but I keep thinking, what if I have to move quickly, if all this goes sour. The mortgage company is screaming foreclosure. By the time I get home at night I am so worn out from spending the day in battle. And as a Christian I am taking my battle to prayer--I can't imagine trying to go through this without knowing Jesus.