I did exactly that. my new attorney has a good reputation...maybe I'm hoping for too much too soon? We do not have any interim support orders because the husband is technically unemployed even though he is capable of getting a job and working. He quit his previous job and is doing this on purpose to avoid paying child and/or spousal support. I found out today from a reliable source that he planned this whole thing for a least a year and a half before he filed for divorce. So he's had a gameplan and a checklist for a while. None of this has happened by accident. Boy do I feel like an idiot. All the time I was showing him love and support in finding a job, helping him write his resume, editting his email inquiries and thank you notes for him, he was plotting how to divorce me without having to give me any support after 20 years of marriage and child raising...I must have been blind.

But that does not change the fact that for now he is getting away with it and I am outraged. Where's the First Wives' Club when you need it?