Sorry - i have not had a chance to check the posts over the last few days and was really happy and grateful to see your responses when I logged on today.

The current attorney is actually a female, and my third lawyer to date. The first one was a man who was supposed to be a snake...he told me to give up trying to protect my kids from their dad because the laws in Colorado were too difficult and favored equal parenting time unless the father was a heroin addict and convicted child molester. Just being a terrible absentee dad with documented poor decision making abilities that endangered his children's lives would not be sufficient to get me sole or even primary custody of my kids. He also advised me to give my husband anything he asked for monetarily because it was more important to get free of the jerk and move on with my life. i fired him.

The next lawyer was a pretty sharp woman whose aggressive tendencies turned to mush soon after she got pregnant. I started getting the feeling that she was letting too many important things slide so I showed her work to several other attorneys for their professional opinion. That's when i started looking for a new lawyer.

This latest one started out being very aggressive and looked like the kind of professional who could give the husband and his evil henchman a run for their money. But lately she too seems to be more concerned about being seen as fair than going on the offensive. Maybe I'm being too unrealistic about the situation or have too high expectations after watching too much television court drama, but i find it hard to believe that a judge would allow a man to get away with not paying child or spousal support, when there is proof that he is capable of working and that he has systematically hidden assets to make it look like he has no money. Am i being naive here or what?