She does okay. She's in a couple special classes and uses her alpha smart. It's so funny when she writes us a note. We can sorta decipher it but some letters we have to guess at.

We have to really watch her because she has many of the classic fetal alcohol symptoms. They never meet a stranger and are very affectionate with everyone. She thinks if they introduce themselves she now knows them. Scary. I closely monitor her internet usage. She has severe ADHD and is all over the place. She keeps us going. I often feel like I'm too old to keep up with her. It takes both my husband and myself and even then we fall short. We keep a sense of humor about it. We thank God every day for her progress because she has baffled the doctors. They didn't expect her to come this far. She was classified as fetal alcohol syndrom as an infant. A few years ago they had to reevaluate her diagnosis as fetal alcohol effects with severe ADHD. She's very immature. She acts like a 7 year old in some ways but she's smart and can carry on a conversation with an adult.
