We met my sister and her husband in NY where he ran in the marathon. My sister was so verbally abusive to him and was just 100% frustrated if he asked the slightest question. He doesn't understand everything said as he French.

I finally said something to her about how mean she was to him and even my husband thought so too. She was shocked and told me the next day that she thought about it all night and it bothered her. I told her to not let it bother her but maybe, work on it.

I haven't heard from her since and I know she's been online because she's updated her blog.

I heard her husband say a few times, "Oh please don't get mad at me again." It made me sad.

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything but in truth, it was kind of ruining our trip too. We were there to have fun, not have her act like our dad always did. Oh my word, she has become our dad with a scowl on her face, arms crossed at the chest, glaring. That's just too sad.

Do you think I should have kept quiet?
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes