I'm praying for Vicki's family and not wanting to cover up her post, but I also wanted to ask for prayer for my niece, Holly's, husband, Clint, and continued prayer for my friends, Dave and Glenda.

Dave has undergone three surgeries for a very fast growing brain cancer. He has more than trippled the life expectancy given to him by the doctors and we are sure it is the result of prayer (some of it from boomers). Since the last surgery he has trouble with his speech and is undergoing terribly stressful treatments, but he survives. Glenda, his wife, has rheumatoid arthritis and has been in terrible pain and in tears about Dave a lot. Their son is getting married in December. Please pray Dave is well enough for the wedding and improves.

Clint is in his mid thirties and has been sick off and on for a year or more. Recently they discovered a tumor in his lung very near his heart. He is scheduled for a very complicated surgery on Thursday. Holly, their kids, my sister and our whole family are so very concerned.

Please join me in prayer for Vicki's family and for my relatives and friends who are facing such terrible times.

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