This is funny. I thought of all of you and this post yesterday while I was in the bathroom.

Yesterday, I left at 8:15am to go outlet shopping an hour and a half away from home with three friends. It's an annual trip. We didn't get home until 10:00pm, and I'm really not a shopper, but it's such a fun way to get Christmas shopping done. We just go for it. And having other women telling you things like, "It's the perfect gift. You should buy it." helps me.

Anyway, we were in the bathroom and they only had a VERY POWERFUL hand dryer. When I went to dry my hands, the skin started flapping and I laughed and started talking about signs of age and this post. We quickly discovered my skin wasn't the only skin that flapped. Phew.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.