I've been running around the south a bit and just got back to this thread.

Danita, so glad you made it through...knew you would...it does get easier...every day...I promise!

Saundra, I agree with you...I'd rather be on my own than to be with someone else's family...a lot of people don't understand that...but it's less lonely!

Anne, do you journal? Have you tried scripting how you would like your life to be? It's a simple technique...you just write in the present tense and create anything you want in your life. It works because it changes your energy and your subconscious starts to believe it and brings it into your reality. I have a section on this in 'Where the Joys Are: Bertha's Guided Journal'. I'll be happy to send you one if you're interested. Just PM me with your address.
Jane Carroll