Oh hun...I can remember that first Christmas and me standing there thinking "Who am I? Who is this man sitting here on the couch? I use to love him?"

He looked familiar but the energy was so cold. There was nothing to remind me of our 10 years together, my life was so out of tune. My ex looking at me as if I were Satan himself because I chose divorce over letting him continue to cheat. My small children being thrown into a world of running here and there for the holidays in order to see everyone, and putting on the "we're doing GREAT!" face. What a farce. We could barely eat.

No support except my own and most of this went to pay for childcare. At least it was that way the first year. And that was the hardest year of my life.

I remember so well looking at him as he came to pick the boys up. I kept trying to reassemble some lost scenes; you know the ones where he and I were lovers, parents, mates, and best friends. Only I couldn't. Buckets and buckets of tears had to be shed before I pulled myself up and moved forward. I'm so happy to hear that he is giving you financial support.

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.

My wish for you in 2007 is peace and understanding. I will be holding you so close to my heart, dear friend.