I smiled the most last night when I saw our oldest son walking towards us at the airport.

I smile this m orning when I learned the OJ news.

I love this post. Yesterday, I found myself being aware of every time I smiled. It's been interesting to see what makes me smile.

Living with Ross is a blessing. We've been together for so long that there are som many simple things we find ourselves laughing about.

I encourage everyone to think about what makes them smile. I bet you'll find yourself smiling more.

I have a big, bright smiley face mug from Chatty. She sent me flowers in it after my surgery. It's so big and bright, it's almost obnoxious (in a good way). Yesterday, it was my first smile of the morning.

Keep the smiles coming.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.