Racism is one of those stigmas that just won't go away. Why? Because what people do or say in PUBLIC is very different from what they do or say behind CLOSED DOORS. Someone told me a long time ago that we're all racist but we just don't admit it. I'd hate to think that is true but just think of some of the things you may do without even realizing it. Not YOU specifically but maybe your family, friends, other relatives.

How many of you live in the suburbs? Did you know that when Urban Renewal took place in the late 60s and 70s, there was something called "white flight" because more and more blacks were living in the city. How diverse is your neighborhood?

How many have moved to send their children to "better schools?" Where are those schools? In neighborhoods that people like me can't afford so we have to fight the system to ensure that our children will get an equal education in spite of where they live.

Why are churches segregated? CNN did a special a few years back about the hours between 11am-1pm being the most segregated hours in America because of where we go to church. Do we not serve the same God? Do you think heaven will be segregated?

African-Americans are also guilty. We can't blame EVERYTHING on racism--but often times we do because that's always the easy answer for why someone doesn't like us.

I have been the victim of racism more times than I care to count or remember. Yes, I know it exists but I choose not to allow it to penetrate my being. If you don't like me, let it be because of my personality or character but not simply because my skin is darker than yours.

OK..I'm off of this bandwagon. I appreciate katebc's honesty about her mother.

Peace & Blessings,
Beverly Mahone
Author, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age
Purchase your copy of “Hope for the Holidays” at http://www.talk2bev.com/holiday.htm

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