I can relate although my Mom doesn't bring up things from my my past too often. She does remind my Dad on a daily basis about something from the past that made her unhappy and blames it on him. I have a saying with her when she trys to tell me stories I have heard over and over again (usually something negative about my Dad) I just say " I don't want to go down memory lane today" that seems to work better than other things I have tried.
Your right Kathy (Rick and June) my Mom has few friends. She rarely has anyone over and always complains that she never gets invited to thier homes. She invites people at times but they don't come back and don't invite her over. She can't figure this out? And of course there are many people that she bans from coming to her house for some reason or another. She does belong to senior centres but always talks about the people there, how old they look, they don't dress right, etc. She doesn't have much good to say. It drives me crazy because she doesn't get to know people the way most people do. I guess that is where the problem lies. It's all about what they look like, what they have, rather than what they are like as a person. It's all just very sad, and I used to wear it but am working on that. I am not going to let her get in the way of my happiness with this man. I can't anyway, I'm just to happy.