I just spoke with my father. He told me my Mom got the letter and is really angry. She says he will NEVER be allowed to come to her house and she will NEVER meet with him, doesn't want to hear about him etc. etc.
My father said he would like to meet him and is happy that I have found him again. He was not happy about the idea at first and back when we were dating when we were teens he did not like it but has changed now. He see's how happy I am and only wants the best for me. He has also changed his views on other cultures etc. At one time their generation had some different ideas based on ignorance. Thank God times have changed. My mother on the other hand is a control freak, wants me to date who she wants me to date and is more concerned with what people will think of her, than about my happiness. I feel really sorry for her as she does not know the true meaning of love. I continue to pray for her but she is so stubborn that she will stick with this attitude until the day she dies.
I will treat her with respect though but will not introduce my boyfriend to her mainly because she won't see him but even if she did meet him she would definately be rude to him and I would not want him to go through that. Of course if she had a change of heart I would love for her to meet him. That will be the day pigs fly :-)
My brother and his wife do not visit anymore because she has never excepted her daughter in-law and they have been happily married for 25 years. She doesn't like her because she is 11 years older than my brother and not pretty enough. She was really rude to her the last visit over 3 years ago. They used to visit every year but now make excuses that they are too busy. I don't blame my sister in-law at all. I would never visit her if she was my mother in-law. I actually left the table when they last visited as my mother was being so rude to my sister in-law I had to leave or I would have blown up at her. It really wouldn't matter if my boyfriend was black, chinese, japanese whatever, she probably wouldn't like him anyway. My sister in-law is white and she never liked her. She almost didn't go the their wedding and cried the entire service not because of joy but because she was so upset. My boyfriend wants to marry me. You can bet if that ever does happen she will not attend. Oh well, at least I have all my friends blessings and now my Dad's. This I am grateful for.