They will not have the opportunity to meet during the holidays. That is why I went away with him last week for six days. We celebrated Christmas early together. He has 16 year old twins and is taking them skiing over Christmas. I will be with my children. We live 3,000 miles away from each other. I do know that if he came for Christmas my Mom would not come for dinner. She's no Katherine Hepburn (Guess who's coming to dinner)
We've been spending time alone with each other getting to know each other again. Neither of us wants to rush into anything as the relationship is too important to us. We reconnected 3 years ago but have only been dating for a year now. It has become quite serious so the next step will be to introduce the kids, probably this summer. Both of us are on the same page where the kids are concerned and want them to feel comfortable. My kids have had to put up with quite a few women in their Dad's life. It was difficult for them. At least he has been with the same woman for 4 years now but they had to deal with a new brother which was not easy at first. I want to be sure that this is it for their sake. I believe it is though and they have both told me that they really like him. My 13 year old son told me I have his blessing if I want to marry him. I had a little chuckle over that one. He did throw in though that he is not moving to his city. That is our biggest hurtle and one that will take alot of thought.
I will let you know how it goes with my mother. My prediction, she will read the letter and say nothing.