I have Somersized several times, and been successful, but it's a learning process. It's basically food combining. In fact, over the past year, I have been completely off of any specific WOE. Since DH retired, we just graze entirely too much and I have put on 10 pounds..... I do notice that I have had a lot of intestinal gas discomfort now that I am eating everthing that is not nailed down. I did not have that issue when I was Somersizing.

I am also using bioidentical HRT - which I credit Suzanne for opening my eyes to. It's been a hassle but finally my insurance is covering my complete perscription. It was laughable to me that they would cover a certain percent of the esterol, 100% of the progenterone and 0% of the testosterone. I can't say that I feel great - but, any relief from the symtoms helps. I also fear alzheimer's which tends to run in the family - and even though the current thinking is not favorable regarding HRT and alzheimer's - I intend to do whatever I can to NOT end up as she did.

Suzanne is taking a lot of flak over the fact the she admitted to using cosmetic fillers on her face. She sells a lot of skin care products (including the Facemaster that gives a low-grade current that you apply to the muscles of the face that supposedly wards off the dreaded face lift. Her fans feel misled that she swore that this little machine has been all that she was doing. Ouch!! The Facemaster costs around $100 and she has sold a ton of them.

I can't fault her for that - we're all trying to stop the clock. On the whole, her food program works for me and I take her advice on bioidentical HRT seriously. She's done more homework on the subject than most doctors.