If you love going for walks, don't start golf.
Hubby and I used to go hiking almost every weekend. Now we can't get one foot in front of the other without focusing on a tiny white ball.
Interesting thing about it is, if I walked 6 miles, I thought I really accomplished something. Now I walk that 3-5 times a week, and I'm used to it. I never would have believed that possible two years ago. I guess distraction is everything to get you moving, whether it's golf, a CD or just a lovely landscape. In any case it's better then just going on the treadmill.

I played in my first ladies tournament yesterday. Man, I was so nervous…and I played just awful. My ball had a life of its own, primarily in shrubs, under leaves and behind big trees. But afterwards 25 of us met for coffee, cake and Champaign. We had so much fun, we all got a bit tipsy. It didn't matter how well each of us played. That was so important for me. They were a nice group of women, just wanting to get out and have fun in the fresh air. They were between the ages of 45 and 70… Yes, Boomer ladies, just like us!