Josie, that's interesting about finding out that many priests are recent converts from other religions. That must be very intense bonding, to sponsor your husband's change to the Catholic Church. I can imagine that it strengthens your own faith.

Lola, I can feel and understand you so well. I'm very attached to my mother too. I love her outlook on life. I've never ever met anyone as optimistic and positive thinking as she is. When with her, it's as if someone just opened a door to let a fresh breeze flow into my soul. Maybe I feel this so intensely because my husband isn't that way. He can be a very negative person. I often have a hard time coping with that. When I can't take it any more I escape to my Mom. God help me when she isn't here anymore (she's 85).
There are so many lonely childless old women in homes. I think when my Mom passes on, I will "adopt" a few of these people and visit them on a regular basis. I think that will be the only way I can cope with the loss. Have you ever thought of doing something like that, Lola?

I think I know which words you meant, that Lynne posted: "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars." I loved that line.