Hi, Hannelore: There is a movement which seeks out old "unused" churches for purchase to prevent it from being turned into discos, restaurants, residences and the like. Whilst I understand their reasons for it, I wonder about the economics of conservation, unless of course if the Church is of some historical significance. There are old churches in the UK as well which have been beautifully turned into single and multi-family homes. Quite popular really and those who have bought into these are quite happy to live in it and speak of some sense of its old worth rubbing off into their lifestyle. Although all agree that heating costs can be very expensive! There was an old church in NYC which was turned into a disco at the time we were still living in Manhattan. If I remember correctly it was called Lighthouse and the DJ's booth was where the altar used to be. I balked at that time at the concept but then again, after procedures are taken by the Church to strip buildings of former consecrated status, then the structure itself continues to exist for what it is. Brick and mortar. Sad and painful endings to sanctuaries but, I suppose, these are part and parcel of the changes and we will definitely come across more of these as congregations in the West dwindle which would make many more church buildings redundant. In other parts of the world, its quite the opposite, they cannot build enough Churches to contain the swelling congregations.

How odd that Tridentine Mass is still the norm where you are but I suppose there must a reason and purpose to it. The only Latin Mass I get to attend is in Rome and for the most part, the Mass leaves me feeling nostalgic more than participatory. Whilst I understand the Order of the Mass, nothing surpasses the connection to it when it is spoken in the vernacular I can understand. And I understand why it is not well attended. And I agree with you, the music can be dreary for some. It has often been my wish that at Mass, we Catholics could have more vibrant music and singing as the Baptists, Methodists etc. We have not quite gotten there yet.