Lynne, being able to transform your abused child hood into a positive and fighting mission is commendable and more than honorable. I admire you for setting out on such a mission. I can relate with your statement: "Religion was very confusing for me." The contradictory messages we receive from the church and some church-going people (like your father) confuse me as well.

I just want to add that I hope I haven't offended anyone on this forum with my thoughts.

I often envy how so many of you are so sure, as far as your religion is concerned. I'm just wondering if you ladies were always so devote, our did you ever have doubts along your life's paths as well? My Mom is a strict Catholic. I honestly wish I were that way. I think a church, that you completely believe in must be like a soft cushion, always there to catch you when you fall.

"My church is inside of me, and I talk with God all the time, living my life in a kind and giving way."
The way you said that, klmr13, touched my heart.
