I think this is a very interesting discussion!
My father was raised as a Catholic and attended Catholic schools. He rebelled against Catholicism as a youngster, after having "Brothers" of the church "box" the ears of boys who misbehaved (causing deafness in one of my father's friend's ears).

My mother sometimes attended both the Catholic and Lutheran Churches with aunts while growing up (she was baptized Lutheran) but didn't attend church regularly.

When my brother and I were little, we attended a Baptist Church with a neighbor for a few years. However, I had a wonderful upbringing without regular churchgoing after that because my parents passed their general belief in God to us and instilled the right values by example.

When I married a Catholic man (and have since divorced) I promised to raise my children in the Catholic faith and did so. My children attended catechism classes and my daughter, especially, was turned off to organized religion when many of the teachers were not only nasty, but one used bad language (something I don't do and that doesn't belong in CCD classes!) She only told me years later, otherwise I would have reported that.
We attended church sporadically, and as my children grew (they're in their twenties), they presently do not attend at all. Over the years, sometimes I attended on my own, but I have since realized that I do not need "the building".

By that, I mean that I reflect upon the type of people my parents were - the salt of the earth! They were honest, hardworking, loving people who always helped others and put everyone before themselves - THIS, I believe, is the true spirit of what God wants us to be!
On the other hand, I know a couple people who faithfully go to church every week, yet aren't kind, are selfish, and would stab people in the back as quick as looking at them! However, there are also many good people who find strength and hope in attending church, and I think that is wonderful for them.

For me, my heart's belief is that God is more concerned that we follow the Golden Rule than that we must come to a certain building every week to worship. My church is inside of me, and I talk with God all the time, living my life in a kind and giving way.

One of my favorite quotations was written by Meister Eckhart..." If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you', that would suffice". I do thank God for things great and small, and thank Him more frequently than I ask for favors.

Even in our local area, a priest who grew up in my town was found to have stolen money from the church for his own use. In their position of reverence and authority, the clergy who take advantage of children or otherwise do evil things should be so totally ashamed! I do believe that God will deal with them when their time comes.

(...Sorry I was so wordy!)