I'm glad you didn't hesitate Lynn. There's nothing like a healthy debate to activate the brain cells. At least it does me good.
That's interesting that they discovered infant skeletons in Colorodo too. Who knows how many convent basements hide "pieces of evidence."
I don't think any religion has the right to force celibacy. God created us with a sex drive. Why should we fight his creation?
I know Lola disagrees with me, and I know married clergy men can have unnatural sexual tendencies as well ( I'm talking about pedolphiles here), but I wonder if these priests (and I'm sure they are in the minority), who may have been "normal" when they entered the clergy, developed these tendencies because those young children were there and are manipulative. Just a thought.
My boys were alter boys, and when I think back I can just thank God nothing happened to them. They went to summer camps, held Mass. 6:00 in the morning before school started, and were often alone with their "Father". He was a wonderful child loving person, who never touched any of the children, so I do want to make it clear that I'm not generalizing here.