Hi, Hannelore: I am not aware of the article you have mentioned although I would undoubtedly come across it now.

There was the Jim and Tammy Baker scandal 20 years ago, amongst a few outside the Catholic Church. Things of the sort that happens in the Catholic Church do take place over the other side of the fence. The Roman Catholics do not have exclusive handle on grave misdemeanors. Media just gives it a slant to make it appear that we do. I, too, like many, become frustrated with the many scandals that have arisen from conducts of the religious, Catholics or otherwise. The offences committed by some are unjustifiable and inexcusable. But it remains for these offences to be conducts of some and not a reflection on the many who serve God and others well in fulfillment of their vocations. The Catholic Church, alongside propagation of faith, is just as much as an administrative system akin to any agency with governmental or quasi governmental personalities and functions. Along the line, personnel would offend. No ship is administratively tight to guarantee performance and observance of rules. The fallibility of people is what causes the scandals and the shame that it brings. Especially so, when it is committed by those who profess high standards of moral and spiritual codes. But, we can only attribute that to, once again, human fallibility. How can the Catholic Church be rid of these scandals? I doubt if it'll ever as individuals are born with the God-given free will to do right or wrong in both lay and religious status. But, what I have faith is in the promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Afterall, Iscariot also dealt with 30 pcs of silver and he did not go very far with that.