I for one have difficulty with anger and angry people. It makes me feel physically ill and lasts for days. SOOO years ago I decided never to allow it to happen again. I am not saying I haven't had good reason to be thoroughly pi--ed off because thats not true, but I chose to just walk away. Now when and if someone gives me reason to feel true anger, I drop them. I look at their tantrum for what it is, usually stupid and self serving, so I ignore it, except that the person is forever more dead to me...I merely move on to happier, kinder people and feel just fine...Works for me! I have to clarify something. It takes a WHOLE LOT to get me even a little disturbed, let alone angry enough at anyone to have to walk away. I pick my friends carefully and hate to find out I was wrong.

Edited by chatty lady (11/06/06 08:20 AM)
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