The one I ordered was for a book that sounded good for expanding my business. The email I received, from someone I know, said that if you go to Amazon and order their book on a particular day (or two), you will get the book PLUS super special ebooks, deals, discounts, etc, etc. from a variety of partners.

Then everyone gets excited about these super deals, many times valued at $1,000-3,000 or more, and they all go buy the book on the designated day. Then, that book rockets to the top of Amazon's Best Seller list for that day or week or whatever.

So anyone able to offer these super deals (which I did not find so super, but maybe others would?) and with a big email list, can potentially get their book labeled as #1, no matter if the book is worth it or not.

I know some folks on here have done or are planning this type of promotion, and I wish them all the best. And lots of people may find these deals that come with the book very useful. I just don't have time to read all the free ebooks or newsletters or promotional material that they offered.

I truly hope I'm not offending anyone, it's just my experience.