Lost luggage. Sound familiar? I carry a separate small bag in my carry-on of makeup. Base, powder, blush, mascara. If the luggage containing the rest of the tons of makeup I THINK I have to carry gets lost, then I'm still covered and dont' have to replace it. AND ... I don't run the risk of scaring small children.

If traveling abroad, I make a copy of my credit card(s) and who to call in case they are stolen/lost. And I also make a copy of my passport and put it inside each piece of luggage.

I also take a bread tie (preferably a red or yellow one) and tie them to something on each piece of luggage. Since mine are so similar to the bazillion other travelers, this helps me to quickly identify MINE. I have luggage tags, but sometimes even those are hidden when the luggage rolls around.

Another tip would be to put a picture of your grandchild or favorite pet on the flip side of your luggage ID card. Sometimes when the luggage rolls around, their picture helps to quickly identify your luggage.

I also buy phone cards in advance so I always have a way to reach out and touch my son who is at home throwing a party while I'm away....They're inexpensive and when your cell won't work, they will. Especially internationally.

If I'm going on a LARGE vacation and know that I'll be buying gifts for the entire free world, I pack another piece of luggage (one that folds up easily) and viola! I have an extra bag to carry home gifts.