Hi Meredith - no, didn't scare me off, but I did get confused over where I left my post <g>. I seem to do that a lot...especially now with warmer weather, I'm outside most of the daylight hours and when I get inside I shovel food into my mouth and then lay down to sleep. Nice visual, eh?

Your husband sounds *very* insecure and needs you to stand on so he can feel better about himself. Sad really but you're doing what you can to protect yourself. Do you owe him? I don't think you owe him more than you've already paid him. But, that's my, unasked for, opinion. I've been unhappy and I've been happy and, believe you me...happy is better...much, much better. I don't give anyone permission to disrespect me much less scream at me or hurt me or hit me. Usually people only try it once <g>. I'm a short little fat girl but when I'm angry I can get very, very large. When I've stood down a stallion I figure a man ain't all that big a deal. <ggg>

I very much hate it that you're in such an unhappy situation. It just sounds so sad and useless. Life is so very short and when we're gone there are only the memories left for others to hold. I want people to hold good memories of me and my life and that includes my marriage to Dave. Yes, we have had our words and differences but 99% of the time we respect each other and honor each other with our respect in words and deed. We're both strong enough that we don't need each other, we want each other and that's a tremendous difference.