The good news: Les is recuperating nicely. His meds have worked very well so he may not need the 2nd stent. My hip is s-l-o-w-l-y healing. I'm walking OK but get tired with any exertion.

My craft fairs have been going well. I worked 3 weeks in a row of 80 hours/week to catch up after the health issues. Everything that I've needed to get done, got done.

Last week was supposed to be my return to "normalcy," whatever normal is. And then my computer crashed. I've spoken to several tech people and tried all sorts of supposed solutions and the short answer is, "You can't get there from here." I'll probably take my computer into Best buy for their Geek Squad to retrieve my files before I try to reinstall Windows, which may or may not reinstall. I don't have the option of reinstalling with files intact because I have broken partitions.

Hubbo's computer is a dinosaur that takes 15 minutes just to open an email so I'm at a computer in the Library. The computers on the main floor can't log me into BWS because of permanent pop-up blockers, but I'm in someone's office right now on very short-term computer loan.

Hope to be back soon.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist