Chatty, growing up, Kate Hepburn was my idol.

Hannelore, I'd really like to know the title of the piece you saw, so I can keep a look-out for it.

I found an interesting article written shortly after the Amish school shooting tragedy, that tells it like it is, concerning misogyny, now, today.

'The disrespectful, degrading, contemptuous treatment of women is so pervasive and so mainstream that it has just about lost its ability to shock. Guys at sporting events and other public venues have shown no qualms about raising an insistent chant to nearby women to show their breasts. An ad for a major long-distance telephone carrier shows three apparently naked women holding a billing statement from a competitor. The text asks, “When was the last time you got screwed?”'

excerpt from 'Why Aren't We Shocked?' by Bob Herbert
Jeannine Schenewerk

[i]'It's never too late in Fiction-- or in Life to Revise.'
---Nancy Thayer