Dotsie, Smilinize has made a good point that I had in my head but was too inarticulate to post. An example is this: my mother had a mastectomy, and refused to take any pain meds after. She was going to PT to gain use of her arm, but her PT had to be curtailed each session because she was in too much pain. My mother never did regain full use of her arm because she could not get past the pain into PT. Also, she went into a depression 1) related to having cancer and the loss of her breast 2) because she was in too much pain and could not get to sleep. Nowadays, she asks herself "What was I thinking?" in other words she feels she lengthened her healing time & recovery by being afraid to take the prescribed pain medicine. Dotsie, you are not prone to addiction. An addict is always looking to repeat the first euphoric high, which you do not experience on Percocet. You say you feel drugged, and you don't like it. That does not sound like someone who could start on a med for one reason (to reduce pain) and continue for another (to get high.) I think you are being so hard on yourself. I hope your pain subsides in one way or another very soon.