As a slave to fashion in the 60's & 70's - the years of wearing pointy spike heels (to work....) daily, I developed a bunion. I totally missed the go-go boots era. Certainly no great loss in hindsight... But, I had to wear something that would allow me to slip off the left shoe when the pain would get to much. I would go for cordisone shots every few months and this would enable me to squeeze back into the points for awhile. I put up with this nonsense for 25 years...

I finally had surgery back in 1991 and could kick myself for putting it off as long as I did. Although I can wear just about any style now - I have not bought the boots. I find that I still slip off of whatever I'm wearing after a few hours and boots would just be too much. If it's not comfortable - I can't be bothered - one 'plus' of getting a tad older - fashion just isn't a big deal anymore.