Chatty, Leslie, thanks for the lovely words. Honestly, though, every woman here is absolutely amazing! Why, this is the finest group of online gals I've ever met! I feel quite fortunate to be a participant on these forums.

As for me as a Grandma...I've discovered that my Grandkids offer an opportunity for me to really 'be all that I can be', with children, sans that very sobering fact of the responsibility for their everyday care. And too, I think as a Grams, I have that extra added bonus of being totally free to be me, unrestricted by the boundaries that our own children often set for us. I mean, would I have ever
drawn attention from my daughters' friends, their Mothers, by romping happily at the playground? When my daughters had reached that 'age of everything affects their standing in the eyes of their peers' stage? No indeed! Why every Mom knows, she must conform to some unspoken rule of behavior, where her kids are concerned. Heaven forbid, a Mother's actions ever lead to unwanted attention for her children!

Grandmothers are, thankfully, on another level, in the eyes of their Grandkids! As far as they are concerned, we're wonderful, ever-loving, can-bake-a-batch-of-cookies-in-a-wink, never-at-a-loss-for-something-neat-to-do, close-to-knowing-all-about-everything, magical beings!
Jeannine Schenewerk

[i]'It's never too late in Fiction-- or in Life to Revise.'
---Nancy Thayer