My husband died quite suddenly without warning in a Red Roof Inn in Louisville, Ky. We were on our way back from the first family reunion he had attended in 17 years. We had my two grandchildren with us. Dublin was sleeping in one of the double beds and Aaliyah was in a crib.

My husband and I had been semi drivers together for 3 years sharing every moment together. One day while we were parked at an industry, I was walking and talking to God. I told God I was lonely and just wanted some kind of knowledge everyday that he was aware of me, knew just where I was and what I was doing and thinking.
As I walked, something bright caught my eye in that industrial yard. I bent down and picked up a shiny new penny. God spoke to my heart and said that I would find a penny everyday to remind me of his love and attention toward me.
I found a penny everyday since then, but after John died, I was on my way home feeling like I had somehow "left" him in Louisville as the grandkids and I drove back to FL.

We stopped at a convenience store and understand my heart was broken to pieces and I was devastated and trying not to show it. The kids were asking incessant questions re his death and where was he?

I looked down at the ground and instead of finding my one penny, there were two side by side right by the driver's side door where I couldn't miss them.

Now every once in a while when things are really hectic and I'm wondering if I'm going to make it, I find two pennies together reminding me that John is with our Lord and they are watching and caring for me and the kids.
Aarikja Ann