JJ, thanks so much for all the wonderful information. We are in the process of gettting a proper diagnosis for a loved one.

Our loved one has been to a geriatrician, been given the small verbal test for dementia, had an MRI, but we still don't know exactly what we are dealing with.

Medicine has been prescribed for depression and our loved one became much WORSE. Now no longer on that med. Thank God.

Is now on another medication that slows down the dementia and it seems to be helping.

We will soon take our loved one to an expert in the field at Hopkins. Then we should learn exactly what we are dealing with. Having Hopkins in our back yard is one of the beauties of living in Baltimore.

I'm sure Lynn would agree. SOme of you don't remember Lynn, but she hung out with us while her hubby was being treated at hopkins for his pancreatic cancer. He remains in remission!

Anno, you are right about learning so much from your friends. The wealth of knowledge women have to share is one of the reasons I launched this site.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.