Hannelore, if you think your mom might be a little forgetful, you might want to take her to the doctors. They'll do a little test with her to see if she is indeed heading in this direction.

The good news is that we have a loved one who has the early stages of dementia and there is medicine that can help. After discerning that it is indeed dementia, the doctor prescribed and it is really helping his clarity overall. There is still some confusion, but he is doing considerably better.

I mean no disrespect by this comment, but sometimes I think I should start taking it.

Hannelore, God will give you what you need to help your mom should this be the case. I never thought I cold watch Mom dwindle away to death due to her cancer, but I did. And I have to say that because of my faith, I was able to give her what she needed ,and that was the assurance that she was going to a better place to be with her God. You will be surprised at the strength you can find during such a difficult time.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.