Vonnie, we are women and no matter what decisions we make sometimes, we feel guilty about something! It was the right one to make not to go right away as others are there for him. But by the time he gets home, they might be a little stressed and that will be the time for you to step up to bat. If you had gone right away, you'd be standing around the hospital while the nurses cared for him and you'd be thinking about your job! This way, you can give a little notice at work, try to do as much ahead of time there (if that's possible) and leave instructions for others. You will probably find a better fare booking ahead, too.
Soemtimes, the way to go is to NOT jump (it's hard, when it's our kids!) and let someone tell you when you are needed the most. In the meantime, you pray, have peace and when you go, you feel more "together". Know what I mean?
ps - I like to pray for people by name, so can you tell us your son't first name?

Edited by Bluebird (09/18/06 10:00 AM)

In My Father's house are many mansions...John 14:2
